Freitag, 10. Januar 2014

FMTSO - Winter in my Town

I wish this was the actual winter in my town, but it`s the winter 2013 in my town, we had lots and lots of snow, even easter was still white. If you want to see the actual winter in my town: scroll down!

11 Kommentare:

  1. Very nice. You caught it snowing and they were large fluffy snowflakes. We've been getting snow but they are tiny flakes and could almost be a rain. It looks like a pouring snow.

  2. Well, the snowy scenes are beautiful. Winter is different everywhere. :)

  3. LOve the snow shots. Great job. Our snow is mostly sleet then it ends up with icy streets.

  4. The snow is beautiful -- but only in photographs!!!

  5. The snow looks amazing, but not to live in!

  6. Wow, such beautiful photos....

  7. Oh weh, euch hat also der Schnee bereits erreicht? Na ich hoffe, wir bleiben davon verschon, obwohl ich das nicht so wirklich glaube. Danke dir für deine schönen Naturfotos für mein Fotobloggerprojekt.

    Grüßle das Sonnenblümchen ☼

  8. Ja alt er grønt og dejligt med små blomster ;-) Hellere det end alt sneen :-) De lover os sne i eftermiddag ;-)

  9. I had to go put socks on my feet after looking at your photos, too cold for me. We (Houston Texas area) also had cold in at the New Year, but that meant in the 20 not the -20s. great photos.

  10. Här var det både vit och grön vinter...
    Kram Kakan
