Dienstag, 13. Januar 2015

MakroTex - January

MakroTex theme is January

Our January this year is grey, stormy and rainy, so i dcided to take pics from January 2013

10 Kommentare:

  1. Nice pics, specially the last one! The first picture looks just like a fairytale forest! :)

  2. Very similar january here and there !

  3. Schnee und Eis - und für Eichhörnchen auch etwas Essen.

  4. I specially like your cone pictures. They have a unique atmosphere.

    T. Täysin arkista

  5. One almost forgets how previous winters were. Except when you have to post something similar same time this year :) A pretty series of winter whites.

  6. Winters vary every year, it's good to have photos to remind that there can also be light!!

  7. Laitan vastauksen suomeksi, kun en jaksa miettiä englantia, se ei tule minulla ihan lonkalta. Kaunis tunnelma näissä kuvissa, valkeutta ja valoa. Joutsen oli sykähdyttävä ilmestys:)
