Montag, 10. November 2014

Macro Monday Mellow Yellows

7 Kommentare:

  1. Cute hover fly, covered with drops. That must slow it down, poor thing.

  2. FANTASTIC! Great capture, Simone. I like the water droplets on the fly's wings.

  3. So bright and beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing the love up close Simone. I hope you will participate in the Gratitude Quilt this year. It is simple to join in and will make your heart happy when you see the love unfurl on Nov 27th. (no sewing involved) Just close your eyes. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Ask yourself "what am I grateful for in THIS moment?" listen to your heart and type out the words that flow from your heart and send them to me. There is a link to my email address and a link explaining this project if you don't know about it yet can be found at the top of my blog. No need to write in English if that is not your native language. If I've already asked you I apologize for being annoying :-)

  4. what a beautiful macro, you caught it just in time.
