Samstag, 30. November 2013

Straight out of the Camera

I was actually holding treats next to the cam to draw their attention on me, when the treats were gone and a women with another dog walked past us, the other dog was so much more interesting:

Pink Saturday

And again i have frozen pink roses for you.
And with this post i say, bye for a few weeks, because i go on vacation.

In Heaven

Ich wünsche euch einen herrlichen Samstag In Heaven

Photo a Day - November, 30th - All done


Freitag, 29. November 2013

Festival of Leaves #10

Week 10 of Festival of Leaves

My last leaves for 2013, next week i go on vacation for two weeks :-)

Weekend Reflections 29.11.13

When i took the pic of the leave above, i suddenly realized the trees are reflecting in the wet spot.

Fun Foto Challenge: Numbers or letters

Finally i have use for this pic. i took it months ago, because i loved them to have their housenumbers in numbers and letters and now i can use it for Cee`s FotoFun Challenge

Skywatch Friday

Have a happy Skywatch Friday
We had the most beautiful blue sky yesterday

Photo a Day - November, 29th - Black

Nightsky with only the Northern Star to be seen


Floral Friday - Ganz nah dran

Enjoy my frosty Floral Friday Fotos
Next week i go on vacation, so i am pausing for two weeks :-)

Genießt die frostigen Schönheiten an denen ich ganz nah dran war
Ab nächster Woche bin ich dann 2 Wochen im Urlaub und hier herrscht Pause.

FMTSO - 9 to 5 People at Work

I am always anxious to take pics of other people, but those men were so busy with their drilling stuff, so i made a quick shot for Friday my Town Shoot Out or how about the busy garbage men, which it shot from a safe distance.

NExt week i go on vacation, i`ll be back for FMTSO after christmas. Have a wonderful time of Advent and merry christmas! (Can`t believe i already say this)

Donnerstag, 28. November 2013

Orange you glad it`s Friday?

Orange in the Car Wash, i didn`t know our car was silver coloured and not mud *winks*

Photo a Day - November, 28th - I am grateful for

I am grateful for nature and sunshine


BIWYFI - Unten

Ein recht großes, tiefes Loch im Rasen, nicht ungefährlich für spielende Kinder

Heute senken wir den Blick gemeinsam mit Luzia Pimpinella nach unten

Da unten wartet jemand auf Leckerlis

So oder ähnlich sehe ich aus, wenn ich nach unten fotografiere

Mittwoch, 27. November 2013

Which Way

Which Way do you go?
I found these lovely bridges last week at the House of Nature

Jack Russells on Tour

Rainy Day but we haunt the Woods and enjoy being Co drivers in the car

Photo a Day - November, 27th - NO!

NO. not yet! Wait till sunday!


Wordless Outdoor Water World Wednesday


Wordless Wednesday with frozen Water

Wordless Wednesday



My Sky

Ein Stück Himmel

Die vergangenen 2 Tage waren traumhaft sonnig, aber kalt. Und heute wo ich wieder 2 Jack Russel Terrier sitten darf, haben wir Plusgrade und Regen...schade

Montag, 25. November 2013